The prospective candidate...

Aye, indeed, oor MP, the estimable A.Darling, Esq., has announced his retirement from politicks at the upcoming general election in May so the hunt is on for a successor. Hats aplenty have already been thrown in the ring - worthy cooncillors, third sector eggheads, community activists of every stripe, but MrP (who don't forget, has the casting vote), has been unimpressed - until a few days ago when this fellow* chapped on my oak doors and was ushered into my sitting room.
So today was his big test - a second meeting - and would he get me a drink? He did. My vote is in the bag. Ok, it was just a cup of coffee, but it's a start.

Although his CV is impressive... Harvard, Imperial College London, Chief Economist Asia and Managing Director at Deutsche Bank, Head of Macroeconomic Analysis during the financial crisis of 2008 at the Treasury, Director of summat at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, visiting professor at Imperial College.... what was equally interesting was his lost years, leaving school at 16 and working in a whole load of shit jobs. Not a silver spoon thing.

Right, house cleaned top to bottom. Time to step!

*Angus Armstrong

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