Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe

Dear deer

Today I was driving along and saw a little circle of Highland calves lying alone without their mummies! Beautiful. So I pulled to the side of the road and took lots of photos. I then drove on very happy to have captured a blip until I noticed that the camera was still set up for the macro shot yesterday. Disaster!! I had no time to go back. I thought I would never find a scene as good.

Then I passed this handsome chap! I took quite a few pictures and I know that J thinks I should have used a full body shot, but I like this one! I like it bacause it shows the lovely velvet that the stags have to protect their antlers in the spring as they are growing. It also doesn't show how poor his coat is right now, as he loses his winter coat and grows his shiny new summer one. He looks very handsome! So all round I like THIS one!!

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