
By PJG844

Another Day Another Disaster

We have had winds of 100+ mph, we have had trees blown down (there are some trees here), hoardings have been blown away, houses have had severe damage to their roofs and we had no power for nearly 24 hours. All this pales into insignificance compared to the loss of the bird-feeder. During the height of the storm it snapped into 3 pieces. I had to spend the best part of the morning explaining to the minions that it was a waste of time waiting where the feeder was and looking up (they were) and I would replace it ASAP. There was much wailing and gnashing of beaks.

I think we've been quite lucky. We lost a vent from the roof and I've absolutely no idea where it flew to. I'm only aware of some minor damage to other houses locally although the palm tree shown yesterday is looking pretty precarious. I'll have to go up and check it out.

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