
By PJG844

His House And Me

When I signed up for Blipfoto I did it as I thought it was time I had something to help remind me of what I've been doing since I moved up here, especially as I seem to have become increasingly forgetful. This has become more frustrating as I always prided myself on my memory. Admittedly I blame 3M a lot for this as I have explained to her that the memory is a filing system for storing extremely important things and not for remembering that, yes, when she woke this morning she got up. Or that when she chose to wear a particular shirt she did the buttons up. Then again, 3M used to have a really bad habit of not only filing bills or statements (good) but also the flyers and envelopes that came with them (so, so bad).

And so to today. While our erstwhile neighbours are gallivanting around the Antipodes we go and check that no issues have taken place in or outside of their house. Those of you that have read some of my previous blips know how much I have been reassuring them but I thought I'd make my blip today a picture of their house so that they can sleep easier knowing that all is well.* The house is standing, as is their palm trees and sheds.

Wee bit brisk at times the wind today. Slightly worrying in that the freight ferry has not only been cancelled tonight but tomorrow and Sunday as well. Saturday's freight is running, which isn't that much good as the shops (quite rightly) don't open on a Sunday. Will be interesting to see how the next few days go.

* It's amazing what one can do with photo manipulation software like Gimp. You can make ruins look almost perfect.

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