
By PJG844

Kissing Is A Crime

A blustery start to the day but it calmed down a bit later. Most of the morning was taken up by helping to pack up the beef that's been returned to our neighbours for distribution*. And gorgeous looking beef it is too. Most of the beef has been sold to returning customers so I think that kind of proves the quality.

This afternoon was just clearing the poo from the yard so a wee bit of time to chat to the tenants of the barn. 3M has said thank you to everyone that said nice things about yesterdays blip but I have to say I really like this one she's taken today**, even though it looks like I'm flirting with Brue. I was actually saying “Aw, isn't the nasty man giving you any mints? Tough”. Of course I gave him mints.

Brue is still in my bad books over something that happened a few months ago. I was going round the croft picking up his droppings when I saw a rabbit. Which Brue had trodden on. This was a very dead rabbit. “Well done Brue” says I. Walked on a bit more and there was another one he'd trodden on. “Excellent”, says I, and gave him a mint. Walked a little further and there was ….. a squashed hedgehog. “Nooooooo”, says I, “not tiggy-winkle”. Most upset I was, refused to talk to Brue for a couple of weeks. I can only imagine what the hedgehog was thinking. “Oh, aye, that's a bit of a threat coming towards me. I'll just roll up into a protective ball and all will be well”. Wrong. It just seems to be the only time you see hedgehogs now is when they're squashed in the road and that appears to happen a lot here.

*3M stated quite strongly to me that I mustn’t make any comments around what heifer this was as she feels that sometimes I might just cross the line. Me? I would never.

** She's going to be insufferable now.

Pic taken by 3M

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