Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Victoria Park, Truro, Nova Scotia (Day 6)

Our last day in Nova Scotia.  After breakfast we headed to Victoria Park for a stroll through the forest in the sunshine.  Due to the time difference, I had been turning my phone onto Aeroplane mode to avoid calls at horrendous hours of the morning.  Switching it back on in the park, I found I had a voicemail.  I'd deal with it over lunch.

We enjoyed walking the trails, watching squirrels, playing about by the river.  We came across these beautiful pools.  The urge just to dive in and enjoy their cool waters was so strong.  When we turned to take a different trail back down the hillside my phone rang.  I was offered a job interview.  It's very hard to try and sound interested and professional whilst desperately trying to get someone off the phone as they don't know they're calling abroad.  Exciting times!  At least there was a couple of days to recover from the jet lag before the interview.

We bought lunch and headed out to the Schubenacadie River where we were booked on to ride the Tidal Bore (another wonderful phenomena of the crazy tide changes in the Bay of Fundy) on an inflatable boat.  We ate lunch at a nearby park then headed to the River Runners.  We changed into our river clothes, got decked out in their waterproof jackets and life jackets before everyone walked down to the boats. 

The river was a mere meander through the wide bay.  The waters fast approached and we headed up stream.  They pulled the boats over on a sandbank where we were encouraged to get out and walk.  Within minutes the water was up to our feet and we were back in the boats to ride the waves.  We got soaked from head to toe.  It was a great experience but really really cold as the waves splashed over your head.  We saw Eagles and stopped at one point to enjoy a little swim in the water if we wished (without the wind chill it was actually quite pleasant. 

When we arrived back, the difference in the river was phenomenal!  We showered, changed back to warm clothes and enjoyed a hot drink and delicious maple cream biscuit or two (that I could eat!) before the drive to our airport hotel.  The rain came on as we started to drive.  We got lost again, in the pouring rain (thank you again Canada for your lack of maps/road signs).  A nice man in a petrol station drew me a map of how to find our hotel.

Tomorrow we're off to Toronto!


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