Gifts of Grace

By grace

Is it well with you?

My friend asks.  Yes, it is very well with me.
This time last week I was immersed in liberating inquiry with these folks.

Fog delays meant I got home at 5am shattered awake to find 
*      Blip got in bed with Polaroid.  
A little local difficulty compared to ...
*      All hell breaking loose in France.  
A little local difficulty compared to ...  Syria, perhaps?  Afghanistan?  Iraq?  Southern Sudan?
*      My work in progress blog being picked up and promoted on social 
       media, busting apart the incubating kindness of the readership it had 
       found via Blip, which had helped me to write ...
       a little local difficulty compared to all of the above.

This potshard reappeared not three feet from where I’d placed it twelve weeks ago..  Despite all the tides and storms since, it remains unperturbed.  Its edges blunted, its patterning just beginning to be erased, on its journey back to pristine white, to annihilation.

The surfacing edge in inquiry (for me) was expressing emergent truth as opposed to simply experiencing it inwardly.  Silence and containment had such survival value in my early life, without them I doubt I’d be here to express anything at all.  I’m feeling that all these difficulties, seismic at the local level, are gateways, invitations to experience and express whichever relative truth is emerging.  To risk such vulnerability.  Ideas can open a space of possibility but it is only surrender to deeply felt experience that changes me.  Expression helps move the unfoldment along, I saw this so clearly this last weekend.

So I do not quite think that events elsewhere put the changes to Blip, or to my cosy incubator, in perspective.  That would be to demean the vivid and valid truth of lived experience.  So I will likely continue to lobby for the changes I’d like to see on Blip.  I’m grateful to those who continue to do the same and I’m grateful for the gradual return of some functions.

I have put my blog elsewhere under password protection as I felt unable to continue to write with it so widely exposed on the net.   Password available on request to Blipchums, far from ideal but the best I can come up with right now.  When push comes to shove it turns out that the actual writing is more essential than open access.

There’s a backlog of Blip kindness in the form of comments, hearts and stars which I’m struggling to catch up with, still disoriented by the new system and also by the retreat.   So a generic, but heartfelt, thank you to those I miss in the melee.  Turbulence is, I feel, ultimately good for the soul.  Let’s hope I’m right.

I'm really missing the preview function, have been in and out of this post editing it a dozen times after posting.

Belated bright idea: I'll put an email address up on my profile in the next couple of days and you can contact me more discretely on that if you want the password.  I just haven't got to grips with how different the new Blip feels, privacy/access issues are coming to the fore.

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