The power of the hurricane..

It was windy. No. It was very windy!

Snuggled don in bed, it sounded wild outside. Got up just before two, it sounded like a window was open somewhere. Couldn't find anything, but it was wild outside. Then at 2 am, the electric went off. It should have been pitch black, but there was an eerie glow from the emergency lights at the fire station, village hall and pavilion.

Got up a few more times during the night to check this and that, but didn't dare venture outside. The cats and dog were also very alarmed about the conditions..

Friday morning revealed the damage. Greenhouse shattered, 7 solar panels torn off the roof on one side of the shed, some minor tears in the polytunnel. A two seat bench had blown away, half ending up against Gillie's fence, the other half was down in A's croft.

Glass had blown everywhere, furthest was about 30 yards away in Gillie's croft, some had come upwind in an eddy and finished up next too the house.

A's new tractor shed lost a skylight, and some of the edge panels are flapping a bit. The Hotel lost the felt off a flat roof, the petrol station sign ended up in Park Terrace, J&G, M&D, and S lost chimney pots, and countless houses lost a few tiles and ridges. Worst affected were J&A who lost nearly all of one edge. S lost solar panels too, and A's conservatory has moved a bit.

Low quality picture to mail to the insurance company..

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