Squad Number 3

It's been a wild day today.  Winds blowing at 101mph and wintery showers with snow lying in places.

I seem to have missed the weather today as I got up late after last night.  There's been quite a bit of damage around Shetland, road signs down, a bus off the road, a petrol station badly damaged, garden items blown about the roads, power lines down and that includes me, not sure when I'll get the power on and my garden statue Donald have been blown over and broken!  We do build for the wind here but it still can damage at times. 
Off out again tonight for the Hop but not as big a night compared to getting home after 4am after last night.

This was my squad last night, Squad Number 3 - Tugging Aff At Da Haaf.  It was a comical sketch about Mike and Lorna taking over the Haaf restaurant in Scalloway with some other locals too.  Back L-R - Leslie-Wills Setrice, Robert Setrice, John Young, Mark Duncan and Laurence Williamson.  Front L-R - Me (Steven), Alan Davidson, Marcus MacDonald and Robert Duthie.  Peerie Brian is sitting behind me and can't be seen.  Taken at 3am this morning at the Tingwall Hall.  

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