The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Thank you!

I hadn't realised yesterday was a blip landmark! (It should have been 1st January really, but I've been slacking)

Thank you very much for all your kind and supportive comments yesterday. This morning couldn't have been more different - mum was happy and clappy and all seemed well - and it more or less stayed that way all day!

I headed off to Hornsea Mere this afternoon to visit the ducks which I enjoy hand feeding - I don't know why - it just makes me laugh!

Sadly the Mere gates were closed - very odd - so here is yet another fox blip.

Mama fox again - looking very unhappy indeed as it was so windy. Foxes hate the wind as they rely on their hearing so much - when it's windy they can't hear approaching danger and it makes them very twitchy - Mama was constantly glancing behind her just to check all was well.

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