
By Kaysha

Drip, drip, drip

Another damp and dreary day. A day where the kids and I were definitely suffering from cabin fever.

Miss A was at her most mischievous and tormented D for most of the day. She painted her face and the furniture in glittery silver and sparkly pink. She pee'd on the floor and danced in it. She poured water all over her dinner (again). My patience was well and truly tested.

Daddy took the kids on a little adventure to B&Q this evening and I nipped into the garden as I hadn't picked up my camera all day - completely uninspired. Armed with kagool, umbrella and wellies I trudged through the mud and was glad I did. The garden was glistening with little jewels; raindrops clinging to and hanging from leaves and flowers. It was just beautiful up close. I'm glad I could finally appreciate some beauty that the rain has brought, although I'll still be glad when it's gone.

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