Glen Nevis

Two of us drove up to Glen Nevis today to view proposals for some work there. Pretty dreich start to the day's drive, but the weather started to lift as we headed across the magnificent Laggan Road. What a beautiful country we live in.

We met our hosts and spent time in Glen Nevis looking at landscape change and the damage caused by the huge numbers of visitors that now go there. The lower part of the main path up the Ben is in terrible condition, with the result that people now walk on its softer margins, causing even more damage. Personally, I have a bit of a problem with the participants in the various races up to the summit. I admire their determination and fitness, but that they take shortcuts and cause all sorts of major erosion problems is significantly destroying the very asset they want to enjoy. A bit of responsibility is required here.

I hadn't been up Glen Nevis for about thirty years. It is unbelievably beautiful, whether the amazing waterfalls (this picture is just below the Lower Falls), the sheer height of the mountains around you, or the wonder of the Scots Pines that seem to grip on to the tiniest crevices on the crags. It is indeed God's own country. We need to look after it.

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