A Balancing Act

This believe it or not, is what His Lordship imagines constitutes dietary fare.
Even he conceded he had dealt himself an over enthusiastic serving of jam and marmalade.

With a stoicism remarkable in the elderly, we girded ourselves against the weather and tramped through rain and puddles to have toast in our Sunday café at an hour when most sensible Burghers having peeked through their blinds had decided on a long lie.

As we tell ourselves, the walk there and back is good for us, even if a stroll by the canal this morning was considered a masochistic exercise too far.

Instead it was home to the comfort of a warm house and the Sunday papers, even if my pleasure was tempered by the need to bake a gluten free cake for my book group tomorrow night.
This time it is a polenta lemon drizzle cake which I can report guardedly is looking A OK at the moment, but then it's still warm and in the tin- anything can happen when it cools. I won't look again just yet.

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