Super duper energetic mode!

Hasn’t it been cold today peeps?

I’ve just been on a long, long walk and have been in super, duper, energetic, collie mode all day.  I’ve been zooming around all over the place.

We went to 'Sennen Cove' and Ann said, ‘Molly, you can have a little play on the beach first and then we’re going to do a circular walk which will take us 2-3 hours.  You’re not going to take your bouncy ball because I don’t want to have to carry the ball & thrower for miles and miles.’

I was a little bit upset when I heard that because I haven’t played with my bouncy ball for ages…………………….  So do you know what I did?............................

…………………I spotted a little spaniel playing with a squeaky tennis ball and I stole it!  I ran around with it for ages and no one could catch me.  I heard Ann telling the spaniel owners that I was the naughtiest little collie in the whole wide world, but I didn’t care!

The spaniel owners thought I was really cute and gorgeous.  They said they had loads of other balls and they said I could keep the squeaky tennis ball.  I didn’t tell them that I have a whole toy basket full of balls??  Just how nice was that??

By this time though, Ann was in angry mode!  She said, ‘Molly, if you even think that I’m going to touch that manky old tennis ball you can think again.  If you want to keep it, you’ll have to carry it yourself.’

So that is what I did.  I carried it for the whole of our walk.  And every now and again I lay down with it and squeaked it really loudly.

We’ve had a really lovely walk today and do you know what?  …………..The minute we got back into the car it started to pour with rain.  How lucky were we?!

Hurray for long walks and manky, squeaky tennis balls!
PS - Think we've actually managed to add the map location to this BLIP without losing everything we've written......................  But need help knowing how to find the map location when we look at a Blip???  Why can't BLIP CENTRAL just give us a very simple user friendly guide for this new site??  We are not all young trendies!!!
And the preview button and crop tool can't come back too soon!!!  Sorry, I must not RANT!!! x

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