It's cold in Edinburgh

Had a very icy morning walk. Ann was slipping & sliding all over the place and my paws got a bit cold. Not used to this!!! Ann says she needs to go shopping for boots with a better grip! Any excuse.

Watched Ann do more painting. I’m allowed to lie on the bed because I have a dreadful habit of plonking myself down right next to walls that Ann has just painted. And Ann doesn’t want a collie that is completely white.

Had to snooze in my own bed because Ann nipped to M&S to get a ‘Dine in for two’ meal. Ann says officially she’s on holiday so she’s not going to do any cooking. M&S is only round the corner with Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, lots of little deli’s and thousands of coffee shops. We love Morningside! Ann loves it because everything is 5 mins away and I love it because when Ann goes out shopping I’m not left ‘home alone’ for very long.

Lay on Ann’s bed again and watched her doing cleaning jobs!!!

Went up the Pentland Hills for my afternoon walk. Ann did a bit of a reminiscent drive past the house where she lived as a teenager. It’s been painted a weird cream colour and doesn’t blend in with the others in the street?! Also Bonaly Primary School, which Ann watched being built in the 1970’s, has now been knocked down and a new school built in 2008. Well that didn’t last long!

Beautiful day up the Pentlands and we could see for miles. Posed around a bit, and then rebelled by rolling around on the frosty grass. Frosty grass is a lot colder than rolling around on the beach in Cornwall. Then we walked to the end of Torduff Reservoir & back. There’s lots of lovely dog walks in Edinburgh and lots of good looking men walking dogs??!! (20 years ago Ann set up a ‘singles’ club in Edinburgh – she’s thinking of resurrecting it and calling it ‘Dating with dogs’??!!)

Back to the flat for my dinner. I’m eating loads now. All these lovely new walks are making me hungry.

Iain (one of Ann’s bestest friends in the whole wide world) arrived to eat the ‘M&S dine in for two meal’. But guess what? They went out for a curry instead so I got left home alone but now Ann's home and will have M&S dine in for two tomorrow!

Happy Saturday night Blippers. Xx

PS – Ann says is anyone else seriously annoyed with BLIP at the moment. First the Blipster app was removed. I know there’s a Blipfoto app but Ann hasn’t worked out how to navigate around that yet. And then, tonight at 8pm, a message from BLIP popped up on her phone saying ‘don’t forget to post your BLIP today’. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................... We’ve been Blipping for more than 3 years and have never forgotten to post our BLIP. Sending a reminder message makes Blipping sound like a chore. And it’s not. We love Blipping every day. Ann is not happy! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....................

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