A time for everything

By turnx3

Morning glow

The assignment for my photography course this week is taking photographs in different light, so I got out to the park early again this morning and got some nice shots - a layer of mist over the football field with the moon still in the sky, nice reflections and long shadows, but I finally picked this one for today - taken from inside a gazebo - I love the frame of the wood and the early morning glow on the wood and the leaves.

The only trouble with these "photography walks" is they don't really serve for serious exercise as I keep stopping, so I really ought to go out again for a proper exercise walk! Well, maybe later on, as I must attack the housework now!

Today is our last day of unseasonably warm weather as a cold front comes in tonight, and over the course of a couple of days we'll see a thirty degree difference in temperatures! I didnt use the term "Indian Summer" for our recent weather, as according to something Roger heard on the radio, that apparently only applies after the first frost, and in our area we haven't had our first frost yet!

Have a great day everyone!

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