
By SeaGypsy49

Bumble bees are plentiful at present.

Another Bumble bee on another Thistle flower.
PJ been out on the boat all  day. Another day without much booked in, but got extra during the day.
I managed to put a bit of an old log and a stump into the garden. I had seen them on the beach and got PJ to bring them up the other day. Planted some miniature flaxes and some sort of daisy plant by them too. The plants had been in a bucket of water for about 2 weeks, so it was a case of get them planted or else they would die. 
Southerly clouds coming over the hills behind Picton, and temperature dropping. Don't know if we will get rain or not, the road is very, very dusty.
Took the dogs for a brief walk up to the shed to get the book we keep the record of the fuel usage in. I have to do the fuel rebate by the end of the month. 

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