
By CleanSteve

Still life with orchid

I had hoped to get out today and possibly visit my old friend John for coffee and a chat.  But the weather worsened and the rains came rolling up the Bristol Channel and I decided to stay at home and make some necessary connections with Network Rail for consultations with the Neighbourhood Plan.  That worked out reasonably well and while I waited for some emails to be replied to, I took my camera downstairs.

I thought I would try to use my macro lens and chose an old dried Amaryllis flower which I had kept since it demise in the spring.  The sun started to shine in brief bursts whenever the rapidly moving cloud cover allowed.  I set up a tripod near the patio doors and played about.  But the results weren't anything special and I would prefer to try again with a bit more care.

My last shot was of the orchid that I was given before Christmas to look after.  It had been a present for a friend who was worried about killing it.  I a pleased to say that a whole new branch has grown from the main stem  with several new flower buds already in place, so these flowers will probably die off soon and I hope I can maintain a healthy plant.  

My snaps of the orchid have turned out to be very colourful, which given the dull day I am very pleased about.  The background is of the view outside the patio door during one of those bursts of sunshine, with the blue of a ceramic plant pot and the hedge providing some of the shapes and colours.

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