
By PJG844

Grey Oceans

We had snow on the ground today. We both looked in wonderment at this smattering of white stuff and exclaimed “Call this snow? Pah. When we were kids ….” ← half hour of two old gits droning on. And on. And on.

Decided not to attempt the roof vent as a) it was still there, b) it was quite icy on the roof and c) I like to write things and incorporate a ½ parenthesis. Our ride-on grass cutter (called Patrick) needed to be ticked over so I took him for a little run round the garden. Without cutting grass, of course. Started first time, he did. So that killed another half hour. Spread some ashes from the fire on the pathway. They did the job seeing as 3M managed to keep her feet firmly on the ground. Unlike her sister.

As it started to snow again (nowhere near Cairngorms level but still classed as snow) I waddled into the byre and continued to work on the replacement bird feeder. I chiselled a square hole. And it was straight. And the cross bar fitted. Woo hoo. One more to do. 3M was so impressed she took a picture. Which I'm not using as I prefer one of the others she took, which is todays blip. Not only is it proof that was was some snow here but I also like the starkness of it. Taken from our garden, the sea was a lovely teal colour and if you look to the right and in the distance you can see the light from the Butt of Lewis lighthouse. I think she's done a good job with this one.

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