Stormy weather

I am used to cold weather dog walking and always go dressed appropriately , but goodness me it was COLD today. Reggie and I went up on the moor and did a short circuit rather than our usual large figure of eights across the whole expanse. I didn't see another soul, human or canine. I'm sure Reggie enjoyed it and he was still jumping in the bogs and streams, but my hands were so cold ( yes I had gloves on) I struggled to re-attach his lead, and my face hurt from being attacked with hail stones!

Luckily after going to the quilt shop to buy some more fabric for my block of the month quilt along , I had put a beef stew in the oven, so at least we had something warming for tea. Mr H got home from installing Miss H's new oven just as Reg and I got home , so he lit the fire and I sat and defrosted slowly! Shortly after tea I got in the bath to defrost the inner core , put on my onsie ( not worn since MR H stopped working night shifts) dressing gown , and curled up on the settee for the night!   

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