Sunrise from the Bluff

Last night the weatherman predicted sun, so I set my alarm for 10 minutes before sunrise time, thinking I'd run over to one of the spots on the bluff for some pictures. Woke up & looked outside to see the sky lit up with a brilliant pink, but by the time I got to the first spot, the pink was all gone. I took some pictures there & then drove about a mile down to this spot. I had a really hard time again deciding on which to use today, as some were more brilliantly colored than this one, but I liked the more pastel, more cool feeling of this one, & I love the path of light that cuts through all the floating ice in the Lake!
Interestingly enough, this was it for the sun today---it's been all overcast since the sunrise--so the weatherman got it wrong!
 He DID, unfortunately, get the temperature correct--a "high" of 11 degrees (F).   Winter is not for wusses!!  :))

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