A very wintry scene this morning on the way to work.  If you look in the middle of the picture and just to the left, you can see Stogumber down in the valley.  We could hear the lashing down of the weather in the night but fortunately it wasn't snow down at our level.  And again as I type this, the rain is lashing down with strong winds.

Glad I live on a hill!!  For all those living on the Somerset Levels, now is the time to see if the work that has been carried out so far, will make a difference - I only hope so.

Typical Wednesday, Phoebes coming to work then on to do our week's shopping.  She refuses to wear her coat so felt very cold!  I didn't take her around the wet French Weir Avenue not wanting to make her feel worse.

Hooray, nearly another weekend in sight = a lie in on Saturday, well small one, as we're hoping to get to the Village breakfast.  An amazing event, where you just turn up and get a full English and hopefully chat to some of the residents.

Well that's enough of my 'twittering'.  Stay dry dear friends and thankyou for your visits and kind words. xxx

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