Rising Tide @ Southern Beach

After our Birthday treat yesterday evening in Leyden, we came back home rather late. So, this morning we weren’t up too early. Beside that, the day welcomed us with rain storms. Not quite inviting to visit the beach. But I did. And there to my great surprise, I saw a man taking a bath in the outflowing surf. Really, there he stood, this grey and bold winterswimmer, in rain and sand storm, rubbing himself with a fluttering towel. I shivered and walked down to the waterline. No, no way I would dare to do this. The seawater is about 8C. As cold as my daily cold after shower, which I take for a minute. But not drying up in storm and rain!

I waited until I was drenched with sandy rain, looked over the dreary seaside to the North and made this photo, just before leaving. In spite of my rain trousers I was soaking, as I cycled back. Luckily I would have to change to go out again. This would be the festive literary evening of the Review Extaze, edited by our friend Cor Gout. Mischa is part of the organisation. And she publishes her stories in the quarterly. Also she has written columns on the website. Every time a new number of the review is published, a kind of mixed literary, musical and artistic variété - a Salon litéraire - is presented. Very beautiful and a pleasure to participate.

And we love to see how Mischa is finding her way to authorship. Especially today, her new publication came out: a story written by a booksellers (grand-)daughter. Autobiographical and very funny, explaining why she must keep writing: Oh, I should not reveal the plot....Lots of work still to do there.

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