By Himself

By Himself

Stormy dereliction

Winds were still howling and salt-spray from the angry sea at high tide was filling the air here at Beach near Bantry.
This is across the road from last week's entry but is not so old. Now open to the weather but retaining its roof, the wooden floors have almost gone, held together only by their covering of lino. Graffiti tags now adorn the once living room wall and ivy creeps through the broken panes and into the conservatory, now filled with creepers.

EXIF: 1/25" f16 ISO 200. Lens: Fuji XF14mm 2.8 on Fuji X-T1

Some tips for viewing full-screen in Windows

You may, or may not know this already, but in Windows full-screen mode can be very useful when viewing images so I am passing on these tips. I find that I use it most of the time now for blip and it works particularly well on wide-screen monitors.

The F11 function key will display your browser in 'full screen' (sometimes called 'kiosk') mode and it will give the best view possible of images, especially when using the 'fit to screen' icon (the two little diagonal triangles under the image) in Blipfoto. If you have a keyboard without function keys, on a laptop for example, you may need to use an option or 'Fn' key to get to F11. 

Depending on your browser, you may not have access to the forward/back keys in this mode. Firefox will display them when you hover at the top of the screen but in Chrome, you need to use ALT+LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS. Also in Chrome, moving between tabs is CTRL+PAGE-UP/PAGE-DOWN. I don't know what Internet Explorer does with this because I refuse to use it.

EDIT: Our deliberations on this week's Derelict Thursday entries are HERE and HERE

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