Another Molly

Look who I met today on the beach at Praa Sands…………………..  Another collie called Molly!

She was playing with a green bouncy ball so I decided to steal it even though I’ve got my own green bouncy ball.

‘Other MollyCollie’ was two years younger than me but her face was a lot greyer I was just as speedy as her.

Ann rather liked her owner.  He was taking photographs too.  Ann wanted to ask him if he was a Blipper because if he was she could have stalked him a bit – he was definitely very fancible?!!!  And obviously he passed the, ‘does my dog like you’ test!!  

Instead our owners chatted about collies, the weather and how cold it was.  It was very, very, very cold today.  In fact, when we got to the end of the beach we had to walk back to the car via the inland route because we could hardly stand up on the beach due to the strong wind!

Praa Sands isn’t really one of our normal haunts.  However ‘other MollyCollie’ had already been there this morning which must mean she’s either there on holiday or she lives nearby????

………………….Ann says I might have to go back there for my walk tomorrow. LOL!!!

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