
By PJG844

Here Comes The Flood

As it turns out, we made a good call yesterday, not going to Inverness. The return ferry was cancelled so we didn't have to deal with that grief.

Bitty day today. A bit here, a bit there and that horrible fine, permeating rain that soaks whatever you're wearing very quickly. For some reason my eyes started stinging, as if I'd been peeling onions. Which I hadn't. No idea what caused it but it reminded me that some years ago Norway accused Scotland of being the origin of acid rain. Whatever happened to that claim?

3M poottled off to her Thursday knitting group. I'm glad she does that, getting to meet people with a common interest. Gossiping, that is*.

Snow has all but vanished but, of course, it has to go somewhere. We have a burn that meanders through the middle of the croft and is normally shallow(ish). It's a different thing when there's been a lot of rain and the water flows off the moor. It then flows quite briskly but not that high (with the exception of August, as recorded by Bliadhna). Just before it reaches the sea it goes through what some call a water meadow but I call a flood plain. You say toe-may-toe, I say toe-mah-toe. Today the area of land that is prone to flooding, flooded, as can be seen in this blip. This is an area just down from the house where Piegi did her spa treatment session.

* 3M has asked me to point out that they do not do "gossip". Instead they have a "frank and meaningful exchange of information pertinent to local knowledge". That's 3M, that is. Why use one word when 20 will do.

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