
By maddischeib

Last weekend was very… interesting… Kat and I decided we were going to go to our boyfriends’ wrestling tournament on Saturday. Even though I don’t really like wrestling, I wanted to go anyway to watch them. The tournament started at 7 in the morning and we were driving along with Danny’s parents. Since it was so early, we had to sleep at Danny’s house on Friday, so we would be able to leave on time. There was so much fighting that night, that I wanted to rip my hair out.

The boys ended up getting 2nd place in the tournament overall, which is pretty good I’d say. Afterwards we went back to Danny’s house and hung around until the boys got back. Danny decided that he wanted to go see a movie, so we hopped into cars and left. We missed the movie and would have had to wait until 10 to see the next one, so we left in search of something else to do.

We ended up walking around the mall for a while and then we went to Taco Bell and Wal-Mart. After we almost got kicked out of Wal-Mart, we left and went to the bowling alley. That’s where I took this picture. Josh wanted me to sit with him while he and his friend played this dumb hunting game. I don’t even like hunting so I was really, really bored.  

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