The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Infra-red wrap

I am not taking many photos right now, as I have battery issues (ordered another one) and my iPad has 9, 671 photos on it! I try to delete at least 20 every time I walk past it. So this is one of 4 I took today, of the same poster.

Shall I go on the demo? Maybe. I went on the
Wool Against Weapons one last year, at Aldermaston. Steve says there's a march against the incinerator at Javelin Park (Stonehouse) in Stroud tomorrow. Sadly, I feel the march comes too late. The incinerator was opposed by the District Council, the Conservative Party, the Greens, the Labours, our local MP (Con) and just about everyone you can think of, because of the problem to local people, especially children and vulnerable elderly people, of wind-borne emissions from the site. ONE man, Eric Pickles, who is not local, has succeeded in overturning every single objection and decision. Wonder who's lining his pockets?

I could have had an easy-ish day at school , starting at 10 30 am and including planning time, a rare luxury, Instead, I chose to offer my services to the nursery and go in an hour earlier, because I knew that there would be a new, screaming child in all morning. What is wrong with me?

Most of it was fun! Later, I rushed home and did two massages. When I finished at 17.05, the street lights had come on, but it was not completely dark outside. Neither was there a total blackout at 7.30 am. Sing yeah! for the return of light!

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