
By PJG844

Venus In Tweeds

When 3M told me she was taking up Extreme Knitting I envisaged her abseiling down a granite cliff while creating a scarf or paragliding over an active volcano making a pair of socks or even sitting cross-legged in the centre lane of the M6 knitting a cardigan (well, someone did that the latter, although that was Extreme Ironing). The truth is far more mundane. Basically it's taking the cut-off ends of woven tweed cloth* and then ….. knitting. With over-sized needles. Usually it's things like rugs but you can knit anything from the aforementioned rugs to bags, pet beds or a custom cover for that 1968 Harley Davidson Electra Glide in your garage. Well, I can dream. You can make anything you wish.

Blip today is a few of the cut-offs that 3M has rolled up, kindly donated to us by a local weaver (the owner of Ollie the collie). Shame they're all dark colours.

Weather was quite pleasant today, allowing me to finish filling the skip for pick-up on Monday. A bit more space, then.

* Doesn't have to be tweed cut-offs. It can be multiple strands of wool for one stitch. I'm sure someone will know what that means.

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