
By PJG844

Sunday 8pm

Another quiet Sunday, which isn't a bad thing, is it? Usual things, such as reading, watching a bit of TV, cooking dinner of slowed cooked flank, Very nice. Had an urge to listen to Switched On Bach by Wendy Carlos (or Walter Carlos as the name was when it was released).

Outside with many, many minions but when I went to take a pic they all flew off. Very camera shy. Some came back along with one of the Robins. Problem with the minions is that they have very good camouflage against the soil (another thing on the to-do list) but if you look carefully you'll see the middle one is chasing off all-comers so he can have the fat ball all to himself. Greed raises its head amongst all species.

Robin doesn't care, he just hops over and demands food direct.

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