
By PJG844

Carrot Is As Close As a Rabbit Gets to a Diamond

Monday morning, full of get up and …. something, something. Did all the usual morning things and was being totally focussed on …..Grrrr, flippin' (happy, 3M?) lepus outside the window. Attempted pic and then got myself organised for the pick up of the skip. Truck turned up, took it away with no problem, went to pick up a piece of plastic …. A primal scream rent the air of the glen as my stoopid back went all Guantanamo (or MI6) on me.

Another wasted day. Why is it that this only happens with a minor movement and not when picking up things like large stones or beams of wood. Really, really annoying.

And so today's blip is a poor picture of a fat rodent (I know they're no longer classified as rodents but a rose by any other name …...).

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