The weather has been of two minds today - first half sunny but cold, second half grey, gloomy and wet.  But it is cold.  No outdoors blips today so I had to turn my attention to indoors.

As most of you know, we want to move to be near the sea so hear is a shell, a promise of things to come - hope you like it.

We didn't win the lottery so it will be back to work on Monday but tomorrow whatever the weather, we will be  taking Matthew out for some quality time.  I know Phoebe will be glad to see him.  The usual routine - visiting the bridge to watch High speed trains, then on for coffee and cake.  Autism is a cruel condition and relies heavily on routine to make sense of this world we have to live in.

So tomorrow, smile, you can cope with your day, can explain your emotions and don't mind the odd change of direction the day might take.  Matthew and Adrian cant!!

Thankyou for your kind words on my blips, I appreciate your normality.
Sending hugs xxxxx

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