Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Pre Dawn Trees and Crescent Moon

I woke up at about 7am and looked out and saw that there was broken cloud in the sky so I was optimistic for a nice sunrise. As the car was pretty frozen over I decided to head out for a local walk. As I was going through the meadows I saw this wonderful bank of cloud with interesting light behind the trees and the thin crescent moon above the cloud.

I carried on with my walk and found myself at one of the settling ponds at the side of the bypass as the sun rose. There wasn't as much colour in the clouds as I had hoped, and they soon started to disperse. I headed for home via some new paths which I have not walked before. There was a period where some mist developed with the rising sun, but now it is quite bright again. 

Enjoy your Sunday

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