Northern Star

By Lifferz

Epic Fail

A busy Sunday. I'm really tired and the need to read, revise and also rest has posed an interesting conundrum and balancing act. An unrelated situation has arisen today that demands my attention and an urgent written response. I really want MrH to deal with it as things feel busy but I know I will have to sort it as he won't be around.

Last night in an attempt to do some 'fun' life things I made cupcakes (from a packet!!) I decided I would have to make them from a packet because of time constraints. It's part of a mini-project which sounded simple at the time. Make a cupcake, decorate it and photograph it. This was a mistake as I don't usually make cakes from a packet so certain items didn't react in the way I am used to. The buttercream seemed particularly dodgy no doubt thanks to chemicals. So here were have a vanilla cup cake but what they actually look like are scones topped with salmon, wasabi and very unappealing ketchup. I was shaking so hard with laughter at the disaster of them that the decorating became even more wobbly and disorientated :-)

I know this week is going to race by. Fingers crossed for no snow and safe driving conditions!

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