January Blues...

I had intended to go out and take some pictures today but it didn't happen. Even though it was a bright, dry day I couldn't bring myself to do it. Apart from going to work and getting a few essentials I can't bring myself to go out. I think I have a bad case of the January Blues. It does happen to me at this time of year.

I'm stuck for something to post and don't want to miss a day so I've taken to wandering around the house for an idea. The little tiles on the right we picked up in Delft on a trip to Holland. The plates on the left we got at Macy*s in San Rafael, California just north of the Golden Gate Bridge in trendy Marin County. We'd been to Yosemite and had a red Pontiac Sunbird Convertible which we drove 120 miles out of the way so we could cross the Golden Gate Bridge in it on the way home to Los Altos. You can do that sort of thing in America, petrol or 'gas' is dirt cheap over there. Americans blanch when they hear what we have to pay. Rather like I did over there when I went into their equivalent of JD Sports and was confronted by a wall of guns you could start a small war with. But we loved California. Happy days.....

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