
By SilentWitness

Lets go to the mooooovies

Bit of a lame blip - but I didn't get a chance to get a picture due to an extremely busy day and all I really achieved was seeing the latest Burton / Depp / Boham Carter film.

Unfortunately Orange Wednesdays failed me but not sending a ticket to anyone this week and i had to pay for mine.

Thankfully after the first (IMO quite badly done) half hour this film was very enjoyable. The weird 70s style soap opera acting, dramatised and studded with cheesy pun jokes and bright vivid colours just worked. The dark flashbacks were quite cool too.

Good film methinks. Just power through the "setting the scene" openers that made me cringe.

For some reason the uploader is turning my pic around - it was the right way up before :(

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