Read y'all about it.

By Leejohnaire

To the Batcave.........

We went for a drive to the banks of the River Clyde today.  Unfortunately while the scenery at places like Dumbarton Rock was great, the weather made everything monotone and flat.  I took a number of pictures that you would swear were black and white when they were in fact in glorious Technicolor. 

Anyway that left me with two bird pictures.  The best one was of a gull sitting on a railing.  It was much more inspiring than it sounds.  In the end though I went for this picture of a European robin on a snowy rock.  American robin's are not anywhere near as cute so I thought this little ball of fluff was worth a blip.  Besides I was under pain of death from Texann if I did not blip it since she had just given me our 300mm lens when it suddenly appeared.

Here is my rebellion. (Not for you if you are offended by bad language).

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