Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Reading material

This lot should keep me going for a while.

Well, I've already skipped through the boring bits and done the crossword read the paper from cover to cover to keep myself abreast with current affairs and the sorry state of the world in general, and I'm nearly halfway through my first Michael Connelly - at this rate I should be finished it by the end of the summer.

I borrowed the book on digital photography from the library, so you should notice a marked improvement in my blipping efforts soon (joke). I've already had some fun experimenting with black-and-white, even sepia, which I've admired in other blippers, but I always revert to colour in the end.

And I always look forward to reading Melanie Reid's column in The Times magazine, which is passed to me by a friend. It is guaranteed to make me count my blessings. This remarkable local journalist broke her neck in a riding accident a few years ago, and writes with great candour, as well as a certain degree of humour, about her struggles with life as it is now. In this particular edition she writes that "sometimes, the most insidious enemy I face is acceptance", and goes on to talk about the "stubborn bastard" inside her that makes her strive to push herself in her recovery, rather than accept how far she has already come... which in itself is pretty amazing.

Hallelujah! A lovely warm(ish) sunny day here - at long last!

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