Misogynist...not me!

I did have a Blip of Angie out riding on Rosie today but thought I might be overdoing the patience of a few Blipers. Maybe I can sell her the photo for her journal. By evening I was stuck for something and the above photo was the result - a newspaper clip and what I guess is a tray of our cat's favourite food - pieces of border collie in sauce so it seems. I am not allowed to feed the cats, that's exclusively Angie's domain, probably a sensible idea.

Today's local giveaway newspaper with the announcement that this Saturday there is a comedy being presented at at a small theatre in Memmingen made me think of my daughter Kate in Ireland.

The play is about the role of today's women, based around a woman given the task of making a "Taming of the Shrew" production reality. Shakespeare was considered by some to be anti feminist in this play so  I won't be going to see the performance, less frightened about my personal safety but worried Angie might realise that without her, none of the privileged life I lead would be possible.

Daughter Kate, like millions, does the daily battle with house, children, school runs, children's sport sessions, garden, pets,  part time job, voluntary helper for a club/society, aging Mum to keep an eye on and hungry husband. Super Mums and Power Women.

And there are those young female Blipers showing us the "light" side of what they do. But behind the scenes are involved in physical and/or mentally testing work situations: An Emmy daily dancing with her boys but actually caring for the elderly, Tochterpleach quietly without fuss improving the lives of people in seemingly hopeless situations or a Shepherdess ensuring our Sunday roast while battling the wild elements of the highlands. My thanks to all of you for showing us oldies that there is still so much fun and good in this troubled world.

No - more power to the female elbow from me, even if I am accused of self interest.

And finally a very happy birthday to a special gal, Sigi, Angie's middle sister and a special person battling with the trials and tribulations of life but seemingly thoroughly enjoying the dog sitting task she has recently taken on when her son got little Havanese "Timmy" who appeared on my 31.12.14 Blip. I hope she remembers to feed her husband from time to time with something other than left over dog food.

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