The Damanhur Express via The Crystal Castle

Early this morning the rain (not so hard) a bunch of us  silly buggers eager beavers  folk gathered up at the Crystal Castle to make a spiral of rocks creating and connection (Portal) to Damanhur...( if you have the time go to this link and take the guided will be so happy you did)  a man called Squalo  came all the way to Australia to guide the way.There was a fabulous human conveyer belt with chatting and laughing and general consideration for what rock went where.
Flynn had a very important job of blessing the centre crystal and I took pics ..........(my back is rather crappy at the moment so lifting of rocks was not for me)...but all in all we did a fabulous job and it looked amazing when it was finished........I am probably going back tomorrow so I will take some more pics and post the finished creation...that is if I don't have another that I just HAVE to post.

Today an Italian man told me I was beautiful.....something lit up inside of me and I told him that it had been a very long time since I had been told that .....and I didn't feel particularly beautiful...he motioned to his forehead and told me that sees the beauty inside of me. 
It's not that I define myself by what men think of me anymore...that seemed to of faded into the distance when I came out the other side of menopause.....however something softened inside of me and I felt the smile welling up from the inside.
I often wonder why men don't tell women more often that they are loved ...beautiful...cherished can make such a lights up essential but forgotten parts of a woman that often shrivels and disappears  as she gets often takes someone from the outside to remind her of it especially have a certain potency to remind her. Then on a practical side....if the woman feels loved she often gives back a 1000 fold.........what did I read on a friends post yesterday............

When the Queen is Happy there is peace in the Kingdom

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