I got laid

Six times.

Done in a bit of a hurry, so the blending is not as good as it could have been and choosing brown eggs when I have such a pasty complexion didn't help with that task either.

Started the 2nd Game of Thrones book about a week ago. Reached the half way point last night (450 pages). It's taken a while to get back into the reading habit, but this book has done that for me. Once finished, I will watch the 2nd series on blu ray and then move onto the 3rd book. The televised series is a pretty good interpretation of the book and helps to reaffim the plot and characters before the next book. I find that essential with this series as there are so many fictional places, plots and people involved.

Good news from Tim. Seems his lump was just a swollen gland. That's what having a woman in your life does to you :-)

Roll on the weekend. Out on the bike if it's not too cold. I'm so eggcited :-)

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