Is this real life ...

Or is this just Fanta sea.

OK, not an original idea, but my own take on a meme that is doing the rounds at the moment and an excuse for me to do a bit of work in Photoshop. I was getting withdrawal symptoms don't you know.

Breakfast in Hitchin this morning. First time in ages. It was nice, not so much for the breakfast but to spend some leisure time with Di. Without these little trips, it's all too easy to fall into a rut based on work, eat and sleep.

To build on the romantic theme, I booked a restaurant for Valentines day. Well, I say restaurant but it's actually a tea room that is opening up for the evening and offering a 3 course meal with a glass of bubbly and you can bring your own wine - no corkage fee which is rather nice. I also like to support small local businesses - I just hope this doesn't come back to bite me. I remember once shunning some fancy restaurants in the Lake District in favour of a similar little privately owned place and it was pretty dire. I'll never live it down if it happens again.

Dinner with the badminton crowd tonight and a bike ride tomorrow. Both should be interesting and alcohol will play a part in both. Tonight its presence will liven things up, tomorrow it will have the total opposite effect.

P.S. That's my head in the boat but not my body. I'm scrawny but not that scrawny!

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