Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Potsdam in Autumn

This is a photo I didn't take today, rather it's a photo I have worked on today.  In November I was lucky enough to head to Europe again and spent 5 days in Berlin, Germany.  I took the train from Berlin to Potsdam and did the on-off city tour of Potsdam, visiting all the Schlosses. It was an incredible sight, with beautiful parks I was able to walk in, amongst the trees of autumn colours, and something I have not forgotten, nor am I likely to. It was simply beautiful.

I was surprised that Potsdam was completely razed during WWII, and the houses were rebuilt.  It didn't look like that, as the houses were still rebuilt as if it was centuries old. Beautiful old architecture. It would be a 'town' I could live in, but unfortunately, way out of my price range. People think that Auckland is expensive to buy houses in, but they obviously haven't seen Potsdam Germany!

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