Princess Grace

cuddling into the sheepskin blanket to keep warm.

Dave the Beagle has come to stay overnight with Chris. My pack are a bit confused by Dave, they don't know what to make of him. Grace watches from a lofty perch. Storm is a bit like a child poking a spider with a stick, he wants to play but when Dave approaches him he runs away. Emily has been telling him she's pack leader and grumbling at him. Dave isn't bothered at all. Dave does as Dave wants. Thank goodness he sleeps a lot!

Poor Storm has had the hardest time. Dave bites his wagging tail. Storm really really wants to shred Dave's teddy bear but he knows he's not allowed.
Emily is shocked her authority has been undermined.
Grace carries on as normal being a princess diva dog.

Hoping for a peaceful night!

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