
By woofcity

you are ignoring us

Sitting on a one person chair feeling the disapproval from the puppies for engaging in an activity which doesn't involve them. The back of the sofa is out of bounds for Sits, not that they take any notice. Being stared at so intently did feel a bit like being watched by vultures waiting for lunch. Module 2 of my Website course was completed being sat on by Emily being grateful she is so small

Once I finished it was raining so I decided to do the Photography course as well. I'm still blinded by the science as the course is mainly theory with a few simulations. I suppose if you have a camera with all those dials you may as well know what they do. My camera seems more straightforward.

Grace didn't want to be left behind at walk time so that's an encouraging sign of feeling better. She has to rest for a few more days. I took Emily and Storm to the woods again. The sun was out and once we got moving, pleasantly warm.

Home to catch up on puppy cuddles, the housework will have to wait :)

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