A good day to make a walk along the Weser, before lunch of course.
The weather cold, but a kind of friendly cold. I like that.
We saw a white egret, a striking sight, standing on the shore, she flew away all the time, only  short distances, So clever to avoid any danger that would come near. The blue heron near her, did the same. Almost all the birds here avoid persons to come near them. The swan pair and the mallards are the only exception.
When we returned we picked up the dead branches that had fallen from our oaktree, lying on the road. I noticed the lichen, so many, on them.
In the afternoon we had visitors who inspected the attic, could there be made a room for Mischa there? We'll see what will happen, soon perhaps.

My haiku:

They make a carpet
On the dead branches, a bright
Yellow one, so simple.

And the proverb:

Whereever a man/woman dwell, he/she shallbe sure to have a thorn-bush near his/her door.

1639  Clarke 165: ...No place, no condition is exempt from all trouble.

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