Do you use Lightroom?

Until today all my blips for this week have been back blips, but I am finally posting a picture on the day I took it. Unfortunately it's another through-the-kitchen-window-squirrel-blip, but I hope I get some credit for posting it on time. I decided this week to take a break from my daily photo walks. Not a total break you understand. I love nature and enjoy my walks too much to cut them out of my life, but I needed to find some time to work with the photos that are already stored on my hard drive. So I decided to cut back on taking more pictures and put most of my blipping time into culling and organizing those photos.

I love Lightroom; I  import all my photos directly into it, and I've developed a system of cataloging my keepers and deleting the pictures I know I will never use. It works very well for me. However I didn't discover my system until I had been using Lightroom for over a year, meaning that I have several years worth of pictures on my hard drive that need to be culled and organized. (That may sound familiar to some of you.) So culling, organizing, and deleting is what I have been doing this week...and will be doing for the next several weeks from the looks of things. It's a lot of work, but I'm convinced it will be worth the time it takes. However, to those of you who are considering Lightroom, I have a recommendation. Don't even download the software until you view this tutorial. It helped me immensely (after the fact), and it could possibly help you as well and save you a lot of time. I highly recommend Lightroom. It's the best program I've used for organizing, optimizing, and sharing all those photos you and I have on our hard drives. It has a rather steep learning curve , but this tutorial and one or two others by the same presenter make it so much easier, i.e. user-friendly. I have no connection to the producer or presenter of this tutorial. I am just a satisfied user who wishes she had seen it a couple of years earlier and hopes to make life easier for some of her blip friends by sharing this link. 

That said, I will continue to visit Blip every day, but for much less time; I will continue to take pictures, but not nearly as many; and I will also take some photo walks, but not every single day. Wish me luck with this project that I estimate will take a month or more. I will occasionally post updates on my progress. In the meantime, you will probably get sick and tired of my through-the-kitchen-window bird and squirrel blips, but I hope you will still pop in occasionally to say hello.

~Skip aka Carolyn
P.S. In case you haven't seen them, this week's backblips start here.

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