
By kevinG

Three-Quarters to Halfway There

So basically I have to just write more freely and think less is what I've determined from reading my Blips and being like "ughhhh" about them. I'm taking a bit of inspiration from Christina Imbro here (shoutout). I don't want to look back in the future and think I was boring. I'm not boring (maybe just a little (maybe just a lot)).

School was good today. I finished up the English Midterm. I got my grade back for the History Midterm and I got a 94 which was the highest grade in the class so I'm somewhere in between exuberant and content.

Every kid in Drama wrote four compliments to four kids in the class. I received so many #popular #WickedTomorrow (get it, because "Popular"). They were so sweet (some of them lol) I wish I could post them all here. I'm going to keep them all, they're good picker uppers.

Rehearsal ran until 5. We used costumes. I'm not wearing those suspenders because they don't fit me at all. My voice really hurt but now it feels a little better. I just really need to rest it and maybe try tea.

Out to dinner with Dad at Thom Thom. We sat at a table this time (oooh, aaah).

Emptied out my binder that had all of my notes from the year in it as seen above^^. I don't want to burn it yet because I don't know if I'll need it so it's all in my drawer in my bedroom at Park.

I'm taking the SAT tomorrow then going into the city to see Wicked with Mom and Richie. I'm excited for one of those things!

Quarter 2 ended so I'm 3/4 to halfway to the end of highschool. Not really a countdown, just a statement. Or maybe it is a countdown I don't know. Also midterms next week and I have to drop a Nashville payment and a piano NYSSMA for in Mrs. Alessi's mailbox on Monday!

Going to bed now.


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