Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Shoe Stand, Cairo

The weekend here - yay! Bb gave me and two of my colleagues a session on transactional analysis this morning as we all thought it would be helpful in dealing with people in our work. Very interesting it was and I'm sure it will be very useful.

This afternoon we headed over to Zamalek and to the Zamalek Market, but it was a bit of a disappointment to be honest - just a few bits and pieces of organic food and bars of soap. Wandered around Zamalek for a while and bought the Cairo calendar I'd wanted to get for Bb before Christmas and a look around the Fair Trade shop got me two pairs of earrings (much needed haha!).

Dinner at the Indian Kandahar. The restaurant sits on one of Cairo's busiest traffic streets and after dinner we risked our lives to cross it tonight to the stretch of big shoe shops on the other side (think motorway and you're not far off it). Home now and about to watch Sunshine over Leigh on dvd.

Public holiday tomorrow to 'celebrate' the revolution. We can't stray too far from the flat and must avoid downtown and any 'hot spots' in case there are problems.

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