Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Testament of Youth.

I went to see this at The Filmhouse with Msink today. I didn't know anything about the story beforehand and while I wasn't expecting it to be particularly cheery I was quite taken about by just how devastatingly depressing it actually was! Having said that I didn't think it was particularly brilliantly done, it felt long winded and romanticised, it was beautifully shot but looked rather floaty and idyllic which I don't think was the intention considering how utterly horrific the War was and the kind of work she was doing for the majority of it.
In short I thought it was ok, but only ok.
However, MsInk hated it (go read her rant!) she's been reading Vera Brittain's memoir and absolutely loving it - apparently this was very poor by comparison. It was quite funny actually - the film ended, I stretched and yawned and turned to MsInk to say 'well, that was ok...what did you think?'  to find her totally fizzing! I've rarely seen her quite so cross!
I am of course going to have to read the book now ;)

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